Development Projects

Education in Lomileju

Save Lomileju! – Special Appreciation

After the project

On behalf of the over 700 Lomileju community members, I thank you for your unflinching support toward the successful completion of the Save Lomileju project.
Thank you for putting smiles on our faces and education in our hearts again. Thank you for restoring our hope for a bright future. Thank you for your love and care. We cannot thank you enough.

Medical Outreach

Also, Adenike says: Thank you for your encouragement, love and support. Thank you for contributing your quota to improving the education, health and wellbeing of Lomileju community members. Thank you for being your brother’s keeper.
Thank you for believing in me. This project would not have been possible without you. You made it possible and I really appreciate you.

Before the project

Read the Save Lomileju! Project report here: Save Lomileju Project Report

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